Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Coming Soon...

COMING SOON: Blog Post on Shape training- How to have the body you always wanted WITHOUT surgery!!

This work out is the truth!

I tried this and my bum was sore for two days! But it does work and when you do it consistently, it can lift, firm, and erase cellulite forever!!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Explanation of exercises/ My cardio routine

Good evening all!! (or should i say late night/early morning?)

Here is the promised explanation of the exercises put up yesterday as step one for a rounder butt, cellulite free thighs, and sexy calves!!

Note: DO NOT forget to warm up your muscles first. This can be done with cardio such as jump rope, or a light jog, stretching, or performing a few of the selected exercise with no weights.

1. The donkey kick
This helps to activate your butt, and hamstring muscles, it also helps you to feel where they are so that you can look for that feeling when performing other exercises geared towards that area. Get on all fours, and take one bended leg up towards the ceiling as if your were trying to kick it with your flat foot. Like so...  2. Next is the SUMO SQUAT (Your can add the kickback as soon as you need the challenge, but for the first try, do without)
This is a squat done with a very wide stance, this is done to target different parts of your quadriceps, and your inner thighs!

Note: Try holding the squat for 3-5 seconds to build muscle, and do these quickly (yet controlled, with good form) to burn fat!

3. Next up: The Lunge Squat. This one will have you feeling the burn for sure! The goal is to perform a traditional lunge; back straight, front knee parallel to ankle. Next, performing a normal squat being sure to sit back, and not push forward( as this can cause joint pain, and prolonged muscle damage). 
 4. Calf Raises. This exercise really targets the calves and its easy to feel where the muscles are located. Try this exercise with light weights-- use your own body weight if you have just started on this regime. 
Note: If sexy calves are your goal in life, or you just want to tone up your legs in general, also try skipping rope. 
This calf exercise can be performed with or without a stepper (or normal step), all you need to do is push up onto your toes, and hold that position for 5 seconds. For beginners, hold onto a wall with one hand, while still pushing up onto your toes. 

5. Side Lunges: These are like a traditional lunge except performed to one side. It helps to strengthen, and tone the inner thigh. 
Note: Go down only as far as it take to be sure that your back is straight, and your knee is lined up with your foot. This helps to prevent injury. 

6. Lastly, Hindu Squats: These are squats done is quick succession to help burn fat in the targeted area. If you wish to build muscle (gain weight) in this area, do not perform a high rep of these squats. 

These squats are meant to be done so fast that you finish around 50 in a minute. 
"Hot enough for you??"

For more info on how many reps, sets, or seconds to hold each exercise, don't hesitate to email me! My address is

Disclaimer: These pictures are not me, and are not meant to portray me, I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE PICTURES USED IN THIS POST. 

Love as always!!, 
Lady G

P.S: I did interval training for my cardio today!! It consisted of skipping rope, burpees, jumping oblique twists, and side jumps. For more information, request a post!!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

FREE! Thighs, Butt, calves work out

To get this blog warmed up a little, I'll start with tips, strategies, videos, and FREE workouts!! The first free workout speaks to a problem with quickly increasing numbers: The Dreaded Sponge-Bob Booty. i.e square, no shape, no definition, no roundness at all, and DEFINITELY not cute. Now I know quite a few women who love the cartoon sponge-bob, but who wants to be "sponge-bod"??

This work out preview will help to sculpt a result more like the next picture, so read closely!!
NOTE: Full lower body shaping workouts, and online coaching are available, please leave a comment for more info)

Warm Up Cardio, 10 minutes (try skipping rope, or squatting with no weights)

  • 2 sets of 20 reps of donkey kicks (one set each leg)
  • 1 set 15 reps Sumo  squats w/ kick back (light weights)
  • 1 set 20 reps lunge squats
  • 1 set 20 reps calf raises (light weights)
  • 1 set 20 reps side lunges
  • 1 set 50 reps hindu squats
I'll be sure to put up a description of these exercises, and even post videos of how they should be done later tomorrow!!
Love as always!,
The Lady G