Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Self Motivation!!

We all have a million and one excuses on why we cant work out, eat right, and live cleaner-- but at the end of the day, there truly is no remote in the world that can change the channel of our lives for us.

How to motivate yourself to action:
  • Set goals for yourself!! If you know what you want to feel like, look like, and live like, write it down! Its much easier to get discouraged when you don't have clear goals in mind. I would suggest taking your measurements (around your shoulders, bust, waist, hips, thighs & calves), and pictures before you start training your body, and after that, every 4-6 weeks until you see progress. 
  • Patience... I think that another reason why we often give up on our goals is that we are not seeing what we feel is adequate progress. Be patient with your body!! My mama always says "We as a people are organisms, not mechanisms!" Don't expect more from your body than what is fair, the changes will come with patience. Good things come to those who wait right?
  • Stay focused!! One of the 6 elements of the Goddess Body is FOCUS. Without focus we would achieve nothing! Its amazing how we can find a million other things to give all of our attention to, but when it comes to our health--and essentially taking control of our own LIVES, we simply cant find the time. To change your life, you must focus on what is most important-- this being your health and the health of your family (and if that is not what you value, this blog may not be what you're looking for). 
  • Discipline- Discipline comes with focus, and all of these self-motivation tips tie in with each other. 
Just remember, live every day with no regrets, and always choose the best option, not the easiest option. In times of intense debate between cooking dinner, and eating a dozen donuts-- ask yourself "What Would A Goddess Do?"